List of School Facilities

1. Big & airy classrooms.

2. Quality Library.

3. I-Cards are issued to parents for the safety of their wards.

4. I-Cards to Students.

5. Bus Service Facility.

6. Medical facilities are provided to the students regularly under the care of apart time qualified Medical Officer. First aid box are maintained and regularly checked as per norms.

7. Fire fighting system.

8. Fire & Electric proof classes.

9. C.C.T.V. for monitoring and vigilance.

10. Cold and Fresh purified drinking water.

11. Smart Classes.

12. Generators &invertor facilities.

13. Swimming Tubs for kindergarten.

14. Guards for security.

15. School buses are well equipped with First Aid Box.

16. Monthly Seminars for Guardians.

17. Physics, Biology, Chemistry & Computer Lab.

Our Mission

We aim to enhance physical, mental and spiritual growth through a perfect blend of academic, sports and cultural activities in a secular ambiance.

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Mission Statement

The School will motivate the students towards friendly and fear free environment to improve the attendance and promote learning potential of the scholars.